Honda Accord: Seventh generation (2003–2007)
The seventh generation of the Accord was launched in 2002 (2003 model year in North America), and consists of two separate models; one for the Japanese and European markets, and the other for North America. However, both were in fact sold in many other markets, fueled by the popular Cog advertisement for the Accord. he North American Accord grew in size yet again, becoming a vastly different car than its Japanese and European counterpart.
Eighth generation (2008–2012)
The North American version of the Accord has a different body from its Japanese counterpart. This shape is sold as the Honda Inspire in Japan, and is not sold in Europe. It was discontinued in Japan i ...
See also:
Symptom Troubleshooting Index
When the vehicle has one of these symptoms, check for a diagnostic trouble
code (DTC) with the HDS. If there is no DTC,
do the diagnostic procedure for the symptom, in the sequence listed, until yo ...
Stall Speed Test
1. Wake sure the transmission fluid is filled to the proper
level (see page 14-191).
2. Apply the parking brake, and block all four wheels.
3. Connect the HDS to the DLC (A) located under the