Honda Accord: Brake Pedal Replacement
1. Disconnect the brake pedal position switch connector ( A ) .
2. Remove the lock pin (B) and the clevis pin (C).
3. Remove the brake pedal support member (D).
4. Remove the brake pedal bracket mounting bolt (E) and nuts (F).
5. Remove the brake pedal with bracket (G).
6. Remove the brake pedal position switch (H) by turning it 45В° counterclockwise.
7. Install in the reverse order of removal.
8. Adjust the brake pedal and the brake pedal position switch (see page 19-8).
Rear Brake Caliper Overhaul
Frequent inhalation of brake pad dust, regardless of material composition,
could be hazardous to your health.
- Avoid breathing dust particles.
- Never use an air hose or brush to clean brake ...
Brake Hose and Line Inspection
1. Inspect t h e brake hoses for d a m a g e , deterioration, leaks,
interference, and twisting.
2. Check the brake lines for damage, rusting, and leaks. Also check for bent
brake lines.
3. ...
See also:
Reverse Idler Gear Removal and
1. Remove the bolt (A) securing the reverse idler gear
shaft holder (B).
2. Install a 5 x 0.8 mm bolt (C) in the reverse idler gear
shaft (D), and pull it to remove the reverse idler gea ...
Carrier Bearing Replacement
Special Tools Required
Driver Handle, 40 mm I.D. 07746-0030100
1. Check the carrier bearings for wear and rough
rotation. If they rotate smoothly and their rollers show
no signs of wear, the beari ...
Transmission Range Switch Test
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift, or apply the parking brake,
block the rear wheels, and raise the front of the
. vehicle. Make sure it is securely supported.
2. Remove the left front wheel.
3. ...