Honda Accord: Engine Lubrication - Engine Mechanical - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Engine Lubrication

Sealing Bolt Installation
NOTE: When installing the sealing bolt (A), always use a new washer. ...

Special Tools

See also:

Authorized Manuals
Purchasing Factory Authorized Manuals (U.S. only) The publications shown below can be purchased from Helm Incorporated. You can order by phone or online: Call Helm Inc. at 1-800-782-4356 (credit c ...

Symptom Troubleshooting Index
When the vehicle has one of these symptoms, check for VSA diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs) with the HDS. If there are no DTCs, do the diagnostic procedure for the symptom, in the sequence listed, ...

Coat Hook
To use a coat hook, pull it down. Close it with a firm push. Make sure the coat hook is closed when you are not using it. This hook is not designed for large or heavy items. ...