Honda Accord: Front Fender Trim Replacement - Exterior Trim - Body - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Front Fender Trim Replacement


NOTE: - Take care not to scratch the front grille cover or the body.

- When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape to prevent damage.

- The left side is shown; the right side is similar.

1. Remove the front fender trim (A).

-1. Detach the clip (B) from the front grille cover (C).

-2. Detach the clips (D) securing the trim.

-3. Pull up the trim to release the projections (E) from the holes in the body, and pull out the trim from under the front grille cover.

NOTE: To release the clip B, pry up on the center pin at the notch (F).

2. Install the trim in the reverse order of removal, and

2. Install the trim in the reverse order of removal, and note these items: - If the clips are damaged or stress-whitened, replace them with new ones.

- Push the clips into place securely.


NOTE: - Take care not to scratch the front grille cover or the body.

- When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape to prevent damage.

- The left side is shown; the right side is similar.

1 Remove the front fender trim (A).

-1. Detach the clips (B, C) from the front grille cover (D).

-2. Detach the clips (E) securing the trim.

-3. Pull up the front grille cover to release the hook (F) from the front fender cover.

-4. Pull up the trim to release the projections (G) from the holes in the body.

2. Install the trim in the reverse order of removal, and

2. Install the trim in the reverse order of removal, and note these items: - If the clips are damaged or stress-whitened, replace them with new ones.

- Push the clips and the hook into place securely.

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