Honda Accord: Front Grille Cover Replacement - Exterior Trim - Body - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Front Grille Cover Replacement


NOTE: - Take care not to scratch the front grille or the body.

- When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape to prevent damage.

1. Remove the front grille cover (A).

-1. Detach the clips (B, C).

-2. Pass both hood edge cushions (D) through the holes in the cover by pulling up the rear edge of the cover, and slide the entire cover rearward to release the front edge of it from under the front grille (E).

-3. Pass the hood latch handle (F) through the hole in the cover.

NOTE: To release the clips, pry u p on the center p in at the notch (G).

2. Install the cover in the reverse order of removal, and

2. Install the cover in the reverse order of removal, and note these items: - If the clips are damaged or stress-whitened, replace them with new ones.

- Push the clips into place securely.


NOTE: - Take care not to scratch the front grille or the body.

- When prying with a flat-tip screwdriver, wrap it with protective tape to prevent damage.

1. Remove the front grille cover (A).

-1. Detach the clips (B, C).

-2. Release the hooks (D) from both front fender trims (E).

-3. Pass both hood edge cushions (F) through the holes in the cover by pulling up the rear edge of the cover, and slide the entire cover rearward to release it from the groove (G) of the front grille (H).

-4. Pass the hood latch handle (I) t h r o u g h the h o l e in the cover.

2. Install the cover in the reverse order of removal, and

2. Install the cover in the reverse order of removal, and note these items: - If the clips are damaged or stress-whitened, replace them with new ones.

- Push the clips and the hooks into place securely

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