Honda Accord: Glove Box - Interior Convenience Items - Instruments and Controls - Honda Accord 2008-2012 Owner's ManualHonda Accord: Glove Box

Open the glove box by pulling the

Open the glove box by pulling the handle to the left. Close it with a firm push. Lock or unlock the glove box with the master key.

An open glove box can cause

An open glove box can cause serious injury to your passenger in a crash, even if the passenger is wearing the seat belt.

Always keep the glove box closed while driving.

    Interior Convenience Items

    Beverage Holders
    Be careful when you are using the beverage holders. A spilled liquid that is very hot can scald you or your passengers. Spilled liquids can damage the upholstery, carpeting, and electrical c ...

    See also:

    Throttle Body Disassembly/Reassembly

    Circuit Diagram

    Frame Repair Chart
    Top View g2 Front floor locating hole 025 (0.98) rear h2 Front floor tunnel frame locating hole 013 (0.51) rear i Rear frame A locating hole 025 (0.98) j Rear floor locating hole 025 (0.98) k1 ...