Honda Accord: Interior Light Switch
Test/Replacement - Interior Lights - Body Electrical - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Interior Light Switch Test/Replacement

With moonroof

NOTE: The Interior light switch is built into the moonroof switch, and it switches the front individual map light OFF and DOOR positions.

1. Remove the front individual map lights (see page 22-258).

2. Disconnect the moonroof switch 12P connector (A) and the map light 3P connector (B).

3. Remove the moonroof switch (C) from the map light

3. Remove the moonroof switch (C) from the map light housing.

4. At the moonroof switch 12P connector, check for continuity between terminals No. 9 and No. 7.

• There should be continuity when the interior light switch is in the DOOR position.

• There should be no continuity when the interior light switch is in the OFF position.

5. If the continuity is not as specified, replace the moonroof switch assembly.

6. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal.

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