Honda Accord: MAP Sensor Replacement - PGM-FI System - Fuel and Emissions - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: MAP Sensor Replacement

1. Disconnect the MAP sensor connector (A).

2. Remove the MAP sensor (B).

2. Remove the MAP sensor (B).

3. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal with a new O-ring (C).

    CKP Sensor Replacement
    1. Raise the vehicle on a lift. NOTE: Make sure the vehicle is level, because engine oil will drip out when you remove the sensor. 2. Remove the CKP sensor cover (A). 3. Disconnect the CKP s ...

    MAF Sensor/IAT Sensor Replacement
    1. Disconnect the MAF sensor/IAT sensor connector (A). 2. Remove the screws (B). 3. Remove the MAF sensor/IAT sensor (C). 4. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal with a new O-ri ...

    See also:

    Rear Safing Sensor Replacement
    Removal 1. Do the battery t e r m i n a l disconnection p r o c e d u r e (see page 22-91), t h e n wait at least 3 minutes before starting w o r k . 2. Remove t h e rear seat c u s h i o n (see ...

    Special Tools

    Rear Door Panel Removal/Installation
    Special Tools Required -KTC Trim Tool Set SOJATP2014 - Trim Pad Remover Snap-on A 177A, commercially available *Available through the Honda Tool and Equipment Program; call 888-424-6857 4-door ...