Honda Accord: Moonroof - Body - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Moonroof

Quarter Glass Replacement
2-door NOTE: - Put on gloves to protect your hands. - Wear eye protection when removing the glass with piano wire. - Use seat covers to avoid damaging any surfaces. - The quarter glass cli ...

Component Location Index

See also:

Taillight and Back-Up Light Bulbs
When replacing, use the following bulbs. 1. Remove the holding clips using a flat-tip screwdriver, then pull the lining back. 2. Turn the socket to the left and remove it. 3. Remove the ol ...

Shift Lock Stop/Shift Lock Stop Cushion Replacement
Type A Shift Lever 1. Remove the shift lock solenoid (see page 14-254). 2. Remove the shift lock stop (A) and the stop cushion (B) as a set. 3. Apply silicone grease to the pin (C) of the shif ...

Mainshaft Inspection
1. Inspect the gear and bearing contact areas for wear and damage, then measure the mainshaft at points A, B, C, D, and E. If any part of the mainshaft is less than the service limit, replace it. ...