Honda Accord: PCV System
Under-floorTWC Removal/Installation
1. Raise the vehicle on a lift.
2. Remove the exhaust pipe hangers (A).
3. Remove the under-floor TWC (B).
4. Install the parts in the reverse order of removal with
new gaskets (C) and new s ...
See also:
Towing Equipment and Accessories
Towing can require a variety of
equipment, depending on the size of
your trailer, how it will be used, how
much load you are towing, and
where you tow.
Discuss your needs with your trailer
Intake Air Resonator
Removal / Installation
1. Do the battery removal procedure (see page 22-92).
2. Remove the air cleaner (see page 11-332).
3. Remove the battery base (A)
4. Remove the front grille cover.
- 2-door (see page 2 ...
Power Mirror Actuator Test
1. Remove the mirror mount cover (see page 20-62).
2. Disconnect the 8P connector (A) from the power
mirror actuator (B).
3. Check the actuator operation by connecting battery
power and ground ...