Honda Accord: Rocker Arm Assemblf Installation
1. Reassemble the rocker arm assembly (see page 6-82).
2. Clean and dry the No. 5 rocker shaft holder mating surface.
3. Apply liquid gasket P/N 08717-0004, 08718-0003, or 08718-0009 to the cylinder head mating surface of the No. 5 rocker shaft holder, and to the inside edge of the threaded bolt holes. Install the component within 5 minutes of applying the liquid gasket.
NOTE: - Apply a 3 mm (0.12 in) diameter bead of liquid gasket along the broken line (A).
- If too much time has passed after applying the liquid gasket, remove the old liquid gasket and residue, then reapply new liquid gasket.
4. Install the lost motion assembly in the cylinder head.
5. Insert the bolts (A) into the rocker shaft holder, then install the rocker arm assembly (B) on the cylinder head.
6. Remove the bolts from the rocker shaft holder.
7. Make sure the punch marks on the variable valve timing control (VTC) actuator and the exhaust camshaft sprocket are facing up, then set the camshafts (A) in the holder. Apply new engine oil to the camshaft journals and lobes.
8. Set the camshaft holders (B) and cam chain guide B (C) in place.
9. Tighten the bolts to the specified torque.
NOTE: If the engine does not have bolt
, skip it and
continue the torque sequence.
Specified Torque
8x1.25 mm 22 N-m (2.2 kgf-m, 16 Ibfft)
6x1.0 mm 12 N-m (1.2 kgf-m, 8.7 Ibfft)
6x1.0 mm Bolts: ,
10. Install the cam chain (see page 6-64), then adjust the valve clearance (see page 6-58).
Valve, Spring, and Valve Seal Installation
Special Tools Required
Stem Seal Driver, 30 mm 07PAD-0010000
Valve Spring Compressor Attachment 07757-PJ1010A
1. Coat the valve stems with new engine oil. Install the
valves in the valve guides.
Cylinder Head Installation
1. Install a new coolant separator (A) In the engine block
whenever the engine block is replaced.
2. Clean the cylinder head and the engine block surface.
3. Install the new cylinder head gaske ...
See also:
General Troubleshooting Information
How to Check for DTCs with the Honda
Diagnostic S f stem (HDS)
When the powertrain control module (PCM) senses an
abnormality in the input or output system, the D
indicator (A) in the gauge contro ...
Turn Signals and Headlights
1. Turn signal
2. Off
3. Parking and indicator lights
4. AUTO*
5. Headlights on
6. High beams
7. Flash high beams
8. Fog lights off*
9.Fog lights on*
*:If equipped
Turn Signal - P ...