Honda Accord: Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch A
(2nd Clutch) Replacement - Automatic Transmission - Transaxle - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch A (2nd Clutch) Replacement

Eighth generation (2008–2012) / Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service Manual / Transaxle / Automatic Transmission / Transmission Fluid Pressure Switch A (2nd Clutch) Replacement

1. Remove the intake air duct.

2. Disconnect the connector (A) from the transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd clutch) (B), and remove the transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd clutch).

3. Install a new transmission fluid pressure switch A

3. Install a new transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd clutch) with a new sealing washer (C), and tighten the transmission fluid pressure switch A (2nd clutch) to the specified torque by turning the metal part, not the plastic part.

4. Check the connector for rust, dirt, or oil, and clean or repair if necessary, then connect the connector securely.

5. Install the intake air duct.

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