Honda Accord: Trunk Lid Latch Switch Test
1. Open the trunk lid.
2. Disconnect the 3P connector (A) from the trunk lid latch assembly (B).
3. Check for continuity between terminals No. 1 and No.
• There should be continuity with the trunk lid open.
• There should be no continuity with the trunk lid closed.
4. If the continuity is not as specified, replace the trunk lid latch assembly.
Vanity Mirror Light Test/Replacement
1 . Remove the sunvisor (see page 20-135). 2. Disconnect the 2P connector (A) from the sunvisor (B). Vanity Mirror Light: 1.1 W x 2 3. Check for continuity between terminals No. 1 and No. 2. ...See also:
Carpet Replacemen
Special Tools Required
KTC Trim Tool Set SOJATP2014*
*Available through the Honda Tool and
Program; call 888-424-6857
One-piece Type Carpet (4-dВ©or)/Two-piece
Type Front Carpet (2- ...
Low Fuel Indicator Test
1. Do the gauge self-diagnostic test (see page 22-332).
- If the low fuel indicator flashes, go to step 2.
- If the low fuel indicator does not flash, replace the
gauge control module (see page ...
System Description
The audio unit acts as the processor for all audio functions. You can select
the audio functions from the front panel, the
audio remote (on the steering wheel), or by using the navigation ...