Honda Accord: Trunk Lid Latch Switch Test
1. Open the trunk lid.
2. Disconnect the 3P connector (A) from the trunk lid latch assembly (B).
3. Check for continuity between terminals No. 1 and No.
• There should be continuity with the trunk lid open.
• There should be no continuity with the trunk lid closed.
4. If the continuity is not as specified, replace the trunk lid latch assembly.
Vanity Mirror Light Test/Replacement
1 . Remove the sunvisor (see page 20-135). 2. Disconnect the 2P connector (A) from the sunvisor (B). Vanity Mirror Light: 1.1 W x 2 3. Check for continuity between terminals No. 1 and No. 2. ...See also:
Backlash Inspection
1. Install both axles into the A/T differential, then place
the axles on V-blocks.
2. Check the backlash of the pinion gears (A) using a dial
indicator (B).
Standard: 0.05-0.15 mm (0.002-0.006 i ...
Protecting Small Children
Child Seat Type
Many states, Canadian provinces and
territories allow a child one year of
age or older who also meets the
minimum size and weight
requirements to transition from a
rear-fa ...
Cellular Phonebook
(available on some phones)
On models with navigation system
If you select Cellular Phone from
the Information screen menu, you
will see five HFL options.
For a list of cell phones that are
co ...