Honda Accord: Washer Tube Replacemen - Wipers/Washers - Body Electrical - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Washer Tube Replacemen

1. Remove the right front inner fender (see page 20-290).

2. Remove the windshield washer nozzles and clips, then remove the tubes.

*1:USA models

*1:USA models

*2: Canada models

3. Install in the reverse order of removal. Take care not to pinch the washer tubes. Check the washer operation.

    Wiper Arm/Nozzle Adjustment
    4-door 1. Turn the wiper switch ON, and then back OFF. 2. W h e n t h e w i p e r a r m s s t o p at t h e p a r k p o s i t i o n , c o n f i rm that t h e y a r e at t h e s t a n d a r d posi ...


    See also:

    Fuel Pressure Regulator Replacement
    1. Remove the fuel tank unit (see page 11-320). 2. Remove the reservoir (A). 3. Remove the bracket (B). 4. Remove the fuel pressure regulator (C). 5. Install the parts in the reverse order ...

    Connecting Rod and Crankshaft End Play Inspection
    1. Remove the oil pump (see page 8-16). 2. Remove the baffle plate (see step 8 on page 7-14). 3. Measure the connecting rod end play with a feeler gauge between the connecting rod and the cran ...

    Door Glass Adjustment
    NOTE: Check the door weatherstrip and the glass run channel for damage or deterioration, and replace them if necessary. 1. Place the vehicle on a firm, level surface when adjusting the door glas ...