Honda Accord: Washer Tube Replacemen - Wipers/Washers - Body Electrical - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Washer Tube Replacemen

1. Remove the right front inner fender (see page 20-290).

2. Remove the windshield washer nozzles and clips, then remove the tubes.

*1:USA models

*1:USA models

*2: Canada models

3. Install in the reverse order of removal. Take care not to pinch the washer tubes. Check the washer operation.

    Wiper Arm/Nozzle Adjustment
    4-door 1. Turn the wiper switch ON, and then back OFF. 2. W h e n t h e w i p e r a r m s s t o p at t h e p a r k p o s i t i o n , c o n f i rm that t h e y a r e at t h e s t a n d a r d posi ...


    See also:

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