Honda Accord: Horns
Tripped Sensor History
The security s y s t em stores information o n t h e last tripped sensor if t h e security s y s t em has been actuated. The information can be retrieved u s i n g t h e HDS. To retrieve t h e ...See also:
Ignition Key Light Test
1. Remove the steering column upper and lower covers
(see page 20-181).
2. Disconnect the 6P connector (A).
3. The LED should come on when power is connected to
terminal No. 6 and ground is co ...
Circuit Diagram
Front Passenger's Weight Sensor Replacement
• Removal of the front passenger's weight
sensors must
be done a c c o r d i n g to Precautions and Procedures (see
page 24-25).
•The front passenger' s weight ...