Honda Accord: Tripped Sensor History - Keyless/Power Door
Locks/Security System - Body Electrical - Honda Accord MK8 2008-2012 Service ManualHonda Accord: Tripped Sensor History

The security s y s t em stores information o n t h e last tripped sensor if t h e security s y s t em has been actuated.

The information can be retrieved u s i n g t h e HDS.

To retrieve t h e last tripped sensor data, d o t h i s ; 1. Select HISTORY DATA f r om t h e security system MODE menu.

2. Scroll through the data list.

• Sensors t h a t w e r e actuated w i l l indicate ON.

• Sensors t h a t w e r e not actuated w i l l indicate NONE.

3. Inspect t h e ON circuit f o r t h e s e problems: • Misadjusted o r damaged switch.

• Loose o r corroded connections.

• Intermittent short t o ground.

NOTE: If PANIC Frame Reception is indicated ON, inform the customer that it could have been set by something pressing the panic button of one of the registered remotes (in a pocket or purse, under a stack of papers, etc.).

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