Honda Accord: Identification Numbers
Your vehicle has several identifying numbers in various places.
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the 17-digit number your dealer uses to register your vehicle for warranty purposes. It is also necessary for licensing and insuring your vehicle. The easiest place to find the VIN is on a plate fastened to the top of the dashboard. You can see it by looking through the windshield on the driver’s side. It is also on the certification label attached to the driver’s doorjamb, and is stamped on the engine compartment bulkhead. The VIN is also provided in bar code on the certification label.
The engine number is stamped on the front of the engine block.
The transmission number is on a label on top of the transmission.
Technical Information
The diagrams in this section give
you the dimensions and capacities of
your vehicle and the locations of the
identification numbers. It also
includes information you should
know about your v ...
Specifications (4-cylinder models)
Air Conditioning
Air Conditioning
Seating Capacities
Seating Capacities
* 1: Including the coolant in ...
See also:
Paint Code
Component Location Index
'10 model
Wear Indicators
The groove where the wear indicator is
located is 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) shallower than
elsewhere on the tire. If the tread has worn so
that the indicator is exposed, replace the tire.
Worn out ...