Honda Accord: Servo Body Disassembly, Inspection,
and Reassembly
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent, and dry them with compressed air. Blow out all passages.
2. Inspect the valve body for scoring and damage.
3. Check shift valve D for free movement. If it fails to slide freely, do the valve body repair procedure (see page 14-275).
4. When removing and installing the shift solenoid valves, refer to the shift solenoid valves removal and installation (see page 14-281).
5. Coat all parts with ATF during assembly.
6. Replace the O-rings with new ones.
Regulator Valve Body Disassembly,
Inspection, and Reassembly
1. Clean all parts thoroughly in solvent and dry them with compressed air.
Blow out all passages.
2. Inspect the valve body for scoring and damage.
3. Check all valves for free movement. If an ...
Shift Solenoid Valve Removal and
-Do not hold the shift solenoid valve connector to
remove and to install the shift solenoid valves. Hold
the shift solenoid valve b o d y .
-Do not install the shift solenoid valve A before ...
See also:
Dashboard Side Vent
Special Tools Required
KTC Trim Tool Set SOJATP2014*
* Available through the Honda Tool and
Program; call 888-424-6857
- Take care not to scratch the dashboard or the related
p ...
Transmission Number
Transmission Type
88E5: 5-speed Manual
M91 A: 5-speed Automatic
B90A: 5-speed Automatic
Serial Number
1000001-: M91A, B90A
8000001-: 88E5 ...
ECM/PCM Update
Special Tools Required
- Honda diagnostic system (HDS) tablet tester
- Honda Interface Module (HIM) and an iN workstation
with the latest HDS software version
- HDS pocket tester ...